速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Find Places Around Me

Find Places Around Me





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Find Places Around Me(圖1)-速報App

"Find Places Around Me" helps you find a place in your interest & Emergency Such as ATM's, Restaurant,Bar,Cafe,Bus Stop,Texi Stand, Hospital,Mall and more

➤ Find places like

◆ Banks | ATM's

◆ Hospitals

◆Bar | Night Clubs

◆Ploice Station | Fire Station

◆Petrol Pumps | CNG Filling Station

◆ Cafes | Bars | Restaurants

◆ Bus Stop | Texi Stands

Find Places Around Me(圖2)-速報App

◆ Malls

◆ Hotels

◆ Salons

◆ Laundries

◆ Book Stores | Goods Stores | Electronics Stores

➤ Features

◆ Search any place that you want by using search option such as Fuel Stations | Petrol Pumps

◆ You can easily reach on same place by using navigation

◆ Find details such as Contact Numbers, web site, Address, Rating

Find Places Around Me(圖3)-速報App

◆ Set radius from your current location in meters.

Find Places Around Me(圖4)-速報App